Critics of Mr Biden said he had no one to blame for his diplomatic challenges in Europe but himself for his inconsistent approach to international crises.
“The contradiction, I think, lies in American policy,” said Peter Rough, director of the Center on Europe and Eurasia at the Hudson Institute and a former aide to President George W. Bush. “In Ukraine, he supports Ukraine against the Russian-Iranian alliance, while in Gaza, he manages Israel, even limits it, while he confronts an Iranian proxy. »
On the other side of the spectrum, some foreign policy veterans said Mr. Biden got himself into trouble by being too supportive of Israel.
“I’m not at all sure that Biden made the right choices on Israel-Gaza, although I recognize that he is in a difficult situation, as is our country,” said Eric Rubin, a longtime US diplomat and former President of America. Foreign Service Association. “Israel has lost the sympathy of most other countries and their citizens, and I fear we will not see it regain it in our lifetime. »
But ultimately, some diplomats said, France and other allies ultimately defer to the United States when it comes to these issues. And although he will find them on different pages, Mr. Biden maintains a constructive relationship with his peers, unlike his predecessor and possible successor, Donald J. Trump, who chastised European allies for their disagreements and left them to fear his possible return to the European Union. desk.
“The United States still plays an indispensable role,” Daalder said. “Everyone expects us to know how to deal with Russia, how to deal with China and, frankly, even how to deal with Israel. “We are still seen by our friends and adversaries as those who will determine the outcome.”